Dixie Speckled Butterpea

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Dixie Speckled Butterpea
Uses shell, dry
Growth Habit bush
Flower Color white
Pod Color green
Seed Color red, dark red
Seed Pattern

Name and History

A Kentucky heritage variety sometimes sold commercially. First offered in the Seed Savers Exchange in 1983 by D.S. of Texas. Also known by various reorderings of its name: Dixie Butterpea Speckled, Butterpea Speckled, Dixie Butterpea, Butterpea, Dixie Red Speckled Butterpea. (Though there is a white-seeded variant that occasionally goes by some of the same names; see Dixie White Butterpea.)

This bean appears in:

USDA Accession: Dixie Butterpea Speckled Bush (PI 549522)


Growth: 60-90 days to maturity. Prolific, heavily-branching bush plants 12-36 inches tall. Tolerates heat.
Flowers: White aging to yellow.
Pods: Flat, green, and small. 3-4 seeds per pod.
Seeds: Round, small, fatter than other limas. Either light red with dark red speckles, or the reverse: dark red with light red speckles.

Uses and Opinions

Shell or dry beans. Everybody seems love the flavor.
