Hopi Pole

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Hopi Pole
Growth Habit pole
Flower Color white aging to yellow
Pod Color green
Seed Color mixture: orange, red, dark red
Seed Pattern mixture: solid or speckled

Name and History

First offered in the Seed Savers Exchange in 1994 by V.J. of Missouri, who got it from B.L. of Ohio in 1987. Also known as Hopi Orange Lima. Descendant of hundreds of years of bean-growing in the American southwest.


Growth: 75-130 days to maturity. Strong, productive vines; heat- and drought-tolerant. The plants do climb but are quite bushy and tend to bear most of their pods within 2 feet of the ground.
Flowers: White aging to yellow.
Pods: Flat and green.
Seeds: Flat and medium-sized. Two patterns: orange with dark red speckles (and its reverse) or solid dark red.

Uses and Opinions
