Paiute Mixed

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Paiute Mixed
Uses dry
Growth Habit pole
Flower Color white
Pod Color green
Seed Color mixture: brown, gold, orange, light orange
Seed Pattern mixture: solid, speckled, streaked

Name and History


Growth: Short climbing 2' plants with thin stems. In my garden they were happy each with just a single thin bamboo stake to grow up. Drought and heat tolerant, but grow and bear better with some irrigation. Productive.
Flowers: White aging to yellow.
Pods: 5-6 seeds to a pod. Hairy and flat, with pronounced margins. Dry pods easy to shell and don't shatter unless you really push your luck.
Seeds: Small and flattened. Three seed types: solid gold-orange (white as a shelly), dark brown with scattered tiny darker brown specks, and pale orange with brighter orange streaks.

Uses and Opinions
