Lohrey's Special

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Lohrey's Special
Lohrey's Special seeds fresh dry.jpg
Uses snap, dry
Growth Habit pole
Maturity mid
Flower Color mauve
Pod Color green with a purple stripe
Seed Color light brown and black
Seed Pattern striped

Name and History

Grown since the early 1900s by the Lohrey family in northwestern Tasmania. Also called Lohrey's Zebra, Lohrey's Old Tasmanian, and Natural Salt. Reputed to have a naturally salty flavor.


Growth: Mid-season tall climbing plants. Prolific. Stems sometimes have purple-red stripes. Just-emerged cotyledons have purple streaks.
Flowers: Large and mauve, with purple-striped green bases. Buds and old flowers are an interesting yellow/pink color.
Pods: Long (8"), slightly flattened, and stringless. Green pods that often have a purple stripe down their seam, and turn yellow and get a red blush and/or streaks as they mature. Easily shelled when dry. 5-7 seeds per pod.
Seeds: Large and flattened. Freshly-shelled seeds are white and navy blue, drying to light brown with black stripes. In longer storage the brown darkens further.

Uses and Opinions

A dual-purpose variety that can be used for snaps and dry beans.
