Tarahumara Tecomari

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Tarahumara Tecomari
Growth Habit pole
Flower Color red or white
Seed Color mixture: black, pink, white
Seed Pattern mixture: solid, speckled, frosted & speckled, frosted & solid

Name and History

Often misspelled as "Tekomari." From the Tarahumara people of northwestern Mexico. Tecomari seems to be the name of a stream in the mountains of northwestern Mexico.

This bean appears in:

Smithsonian Institution Accession: Tecomari (416144)


Growth: Grabby vines over 6 feet tall. 120 days to maturity for dry seeds.
Flowers: Abundant and bright red; attractive to hummingbirds. Some plants have white flowers (and unpigmented stems).
Pods: Green. 2-4 seeds per pod.
Seeds: Large and fat. solid black, solid white, pink with black specks, light pink frost over pink with black specks, light pink frost over black with pink specks, or light pink frost over solid black.

Uses and Opinions
